Wednesday, September 16, 2015

No side effects

Wow, what a Monday-- my wife had a birthday that was catered by a friend of mine who has been a professional chef for decades--yes, ending with an S-- and in my simple little charming mid-century home and its feeble kitchen, oh Lord did he do amazing things.

The menu appears below:

Every serving was "Oh my God!" good, and a testament to its utter amazingness was that every single person there had not a single desire to take a picture of the admittedly awesome offerings.

Vegan (not counting the scallops) and organic. Nobody cared, nobody even noticed, because everything was SO [squeal] GOOD!!!

The gifts continue--today, again we can open the windows and enjoy the breeze, because we're into the low 70's, not the (ugh) low 100s. A lovely gentle rain (of all unexpected gifts) has made the back garden VERY happy--as a friend said, plants like rain better than they like hose-water.

It was glorious to enjoy a fine dinner in the back patio/yard. Being accessorized by my ever-[insert obscenity here]-changing bladder means that I'm not into puling on pants, getting them on and off is a huge problem... Simply covering my legs with a blanket is well into "good enough," and staying at home makes pantless and blanket-only work beautifully.

A really good acupuncture treatment Tuesday. House call, treated on the couch--you gotta love it! But we were speaking a lot about the place I'm in, and maybe needing to cop better to "it's OK to be done with thing X" stuff, and to being in a place where really, all I want to do is lie down and maybe sleep or listen to beloved cartoons with my eyes closed and sleep... I'm not sleep-deprived, I just want to shut off and recover. Not die, Lord no! But just to ... pack it in and rest.

I showed my acupuncturist some favorite moments from Steven Universe. Not moments that are funny, although those are fine too, but mostly I love the "heartfelt" moments of people really coming face to face with truth--which in some circumstances, is also very heartfelt.
I wish I could fuse with my wife... Who knows what might come of it? Oh, there are Greg and Rose stories too, those being Steven's parents--also very heartfelt.

This presents an interesting challenge for the acupuncturist... how to get my own joy to be as heartfelt as that felt by these little painted people. It's a challenge for both the care provider and for myself... to feel like I have nothing at all to strike the flames within my spirit, but to be significantly moved to hear stories about being significantly moved.

Sure I'd love to be out of the wheelchair, but to set my heart aflame and create--that's one of the many significant things I seem to have lost.

Or have  I? Well, even this is hard right now, but in the future--who can say? Well, Garnet can, of course, but that's definitely another story.
And so... a snack, and off to bed. Garnet told some gems one day, "Have FUN!"

That's be another great prescription, no?

No side effects...

1 comment:

Muffie said...

Happy Birthday to your wife! Another Virgo -- she must be a lovely person -- wink, wink! At home acupuncture -- what a great idea.