Sunday, June 8, 2014

Magic words

A new way to look at "compromise."

My last place of employment was not so good at this. Certain People wanted things done Their Way, even if it was clear to an impartial observer (should any have been asked for their input, which they never were) that A Different Way was actually more beneficial to everyone. Except, of course, the Certain People who regarded Their Way as the Only Possible Way. Whether it actually worked didn't matter, because Getting Their Way was paramount.

Now, let's be honest, how many of us is that true for? Different details, but similar Rightness Of Your Way whether facts portend otherwise? Facts, don't annoy me with those, My Way is Right, after all...

But there's a different way to look at compromise...

When we compromise, we win.

Has nothing to do with who's or what's right. But remember that magic word, "we"...

When we compromise, we win.

Well, yes, "you" don't get everything you wanted. But I am reminded of a very sweet moment from the new Adult Swim show Rick and Morty where someone asks Summer something that's clearly asking her to pick sides, and specifically the side of one particular person. In this scene, Summer just smiles, and says...

"Doesn't matter."

When a Care Giver is doing their best to care for you, and there's a way they want to do things for whatever reason, and it's probably not your way, but having things be your way... that's important for things like "I need stuff from the pharmacy by this date/time" or "I need This Particular Medical Equipment at this particular time or Bad Stuff might happen, " but for just ordinary quotidian life stuff, change the way you think. When we compromise, we win. As for the details, remember those two magic words...

Doesn't matter.

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