Tuesday, January 6, 2009


One of the great things about MS is that you become more sensitive to your body.

One of the worst things about MS is that you become more sensitive to your body.

Over the last couple of days, I noticed that it feels like life is returning to my thighs, the place I first felt "it" beginning, about four years ago. This is great. We've been waiting for the "remitting" part of "relapsing/remitting," and this is a big first.

Then again...

A couple of weeks ago, I started getting numbness in my face and inside my mouth, sort of like a dentist's novocaine injection that wouldn't go away. MD said it was my trigeminal nerve. Great. It's also given me a perpetual case of cotton mouth.

On the upside, it'll probably get me drinking more water just to keep my mouth bearable, especially since I have to talk a lot during the day. Which I need to do anyway, I tend to be perpetually dehydrated.

Not strictly a "relapse," but as the saying goes, it's the thought that counts...?

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